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Montreal to build its largest sponge park in Verdun

The Ville de Montréal is proud to announce that a new sponge park, the largest to date on its territory, will be built in...

SPONSORED: Ingenium puts the spotlight on clean water this spring

Innovative ideas will be required to tackle the serious societal challenges the world is facing. Through multi-generational educational and entertaining programming – from stand-out exhibitions,...

SPONSORED: Charting a Sustainable Maritime Future: The 2024 Sustainable Blue Economy...

Setting Sail Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow Picture this: the historic city of Halifax, where history, industry, and nature converge, stands on the brink of a...

SPONSORED: Dry Ponds: A simple, yet innovative approach to flood mitigation

The future of our communities relies on the commitments we make today. EPCOR’s annual ESG report shares progress on the North American utility’s sustainability...

6 steps to getting the board on board with your cybersecurity...

How CISOs and their peers can better engage with boards to get long-term buy-in for strategic initiatives. Building a safer digital world requires action on...

Biden announces $1B to restore and protect rivers and wetlands

Biden Administration announces $1 billion for clean water for Tribal Nations and funding to combat megadrought in the West through President Biden’s Investing in...

U.S. court approves 3M settlement with PWS over PFAS in drinking...

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- 3M  announced that on Friday, March 29, the company's previously announced settlement agreement with U.S. public water suppliers (PWS) received final approval from...